Breast Augmentation
Regain Your Confidence And Your Figure
Your Breast Augmentation Package Includes:
- Hospital Stay In A Single Private Room + Theatre + Pathology
- Australian Client Manager
- Surgery + Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon + Anaesthetist + Nursing Fees + Hospital Fees
- Bandages, Dressings + Prescribed Medications for 7 Days
- Pre + Post Operative Consultations with Our Surgeon
- Zoom Calls + Photo Checkups with Surgeon for 12 months
- Airport, Hotel and Hospital Transfers Included

- Sub-glandular breast implant
- Sub-facial breast implant placement
- Dual-plane breast implant placement
”I have just been with Medi Makeovers for the past two weeks in Bangkok and had the most amazing time!
HelenaBreast Lift + Augmentation
What is a Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as a “breast aug” or “boob job” by patients, involves using breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of your breasts. This procedure can also restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy, achieve a more rounded breast shape or improve natural breast size asymmetry.
Breast augmentation is done to:
- Enlarge breasts that are naturally small.
- Restore breast size and shape after pregnancy, weight loss or breastfeeding.
- Restore symmetry when the breasts are asymmetrical.
- Restore the breast(s) after surgery as treatment for breast cancer (following a mastectomy) or some other condition or event that affected the size and shape of the breast.
- Correct congenital defects and deformities of the chest wall.
Am I Good Candidate
One or more of the following feelings or conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for Breast Augmentation:
You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too small
Clothes that fit well around your hips are often too large at the bustline
You feel self-conscious wearing a swimsuit or form-fitting top
Your breasts have become smaller and lost their firmness after having children
Weight loss has changed the size and shape of your breasts
One of your breasts is noticeably smaller than the other
Procedure Details
Medi Makeovers ONLY offers Breast Augmentation surgery at a hospital under a general anesthetic. The surgeon will always be a highly trained Plastic + Reconstructive Surgeon. For standard Breast Augmentation cases in Bangkok, the minimum hospital stay is 2 nights (which is included in your procedure cost) and the client must stay for a minimum of 10 nights in Thailand before returning home.
Your Breast Augmentation will be performed under a general anesthesia. Your surgeon will make an incision, lift the breast tissue, create a pocket in the chest/breast area and place an implant in the pocket created. There are multiple places in which the incision can be made, however your surgeon will discuss the best option for you in your assessment and in-person consultation.
The most popular and least-intrusive incision site is in the Inframammary fold (in the crease of the breast). Other incision options available are:
- Axillary incision in the armpit
- Peri-areolar incision made around the nipple.
Implant Placement
Implant placement is dependant on you, your body and your individual needs. This is something that is different for everyone and should be discussed with your surgeon to determine to most successful placement for you. There are three ways an implant can be placed in the body:
Sub-Glandular Placement
This is the location between your chest muscle and your breast tissue (under the glands).
Sub-Muscular Placement
This is when the implant is placed completely under the chest muscle.
Dual Plane Placement
This is when the top half of your implant is placed above the chest muscle (under the breast tissue) and the bottom half of the implant is placed under the chest muscle.
Your Recovery + After Care
For a standard Breast Augmentation case, you are required to spend a minimum of 7 nights in Thailand. You will spend one night in hospital.
Tips from our surgeons:
Sleep in an upright position and try not to sleep on your side for at least a month post surgery. You can request more pillows at your hotel to prop you up.
To avoid unnecessary swelling or bleeding, do not bend over, strain, exercise or do any other activities that could increase pressure in your chest during the first few weeks.
You must wear your compression bra day and night for 8-12 weeks post surgery and you can switch to a good quality supportive sports bra during this time. Do not go braless for the first 12 months as you are actually still in the healing stage
Once your stitches are removed (usually 7 days post op) massage your breasts to keep them softer, avoid capsular contracture and keep them in proper position. Your surgeon will advise you of the correct way to massage on your final follow up appointment. Individual results may apply so please follow your surgeons advise also for post op care.
Pain Level
Above the muscle: Mild to moderate discomfort.
Below the muscle: Moderate to severe discomfort following placement under the muscle.
1 – 2 weeks of pain medication is included.
Above the muscle: 2 weeks.
Below the muscle: 4 – 12 weeks.
Your body will swell directly after surgery, so do not be alarmed if your breasts look ‘wonky’ or ‘misshaped’ – this is very normal. Your implants can also appear to sit quite high on your chest as your body has swelled around them (e.g. cone-like or torpedo-shaped), do not worry – they will ‘drop’ and go back to the placement that the surgeon has created for you. This is sometimes referred to as ‘fluffing’ and the time it takes for your breasts to look ‘normal’ will depend on several factors. These factors include implant size, what size you were pre-operatively, implant surface type, whether you have massaged your breasts, skin elasticity, muscle tone and of course your normal body healing – which is different for everyone.
You skin may also be red and feel sunburnt – though this is normal as the skin is being stretched. Feeling itchy is also very common as the body heals. Follow your surgeons instructions and do not put anything on or near your incisions unless they have told you it is okay to do so.
Most of our surgeons patients experience no bruising at all – but if there is, it is very minimal.
2-4 weeks.
Going back to Work
Above the muscle: 1 week from your fly home date.
Below the muscle: 1-2 weeks from your fly home date.
*If your job is strenuous or requires lifting, wait a month.
This must be confirmed by your surgeon, though typically you must wait 12 weeks for upper body. No chest wall exercises during this time. You may be able to do lower body exercises earlier than this time. No jogging or running during this time.
General risks of breast implant surgery
Some of the potential complications from breast implant surgery that may be discussed with you include reactions to anaesthesia, blood accumulation that may need to be drained surgically and infection. Although rare, an infection that does not subside with appropriate treatment may require temporary removal of the implant.
Capsular contracture
When a breast implant is inserted, a scar capsule forms around it as part of the natural healing process. The capsule may sometimes tighten and compress the implant, causing the breast to feel firmer than normal. Capsular contracture can occur to varying degrees. If it is severe, it can cause discomfort or changes in the breast’s appearance. In such cases, more surgery may be needed to modify or remove the scar tissue, or perhaps remove or replace the implant.
Implant rupture
Breast implants are not lifetime devices and cannot be expected to last forever. If you decide to have a lift later in life then it is advisable to change the implant. The new implants available now are of a very high quality but they are still not expected to last a life time.
Breast Cancer Screening
If you are at an age when mammographic examinations should be conducted on a periodic basis, it will be important for you to select a radiology technician who is experienced in taking x-rays of augmented breasts. Additional views of your breasts will be required. Your plastic surgeon, in some instances, may recommend other types of examinations such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging. An implant may obscure some of the mammogram.
Other risks of breast implants
Other risks include changes in sensation of the nipple or breast and changes in the ability to breastfeed. Changes in sensation may either be increased or decreased or altered sensation. These changes may be temporary or permanent. Also, implant visibility, rippling, and asymmetry may also occur.
Other considerations of breast implants
Some women with breast implants have reported problems including certain connective tissue and immune-related diseases. Women without implants also have these disorders, so the key question is whether breast implants increase the risk of developing the conditions. Several large studies have been completed that provide reassurance that women with breast implants do not have a significantly increased risk for these diseases
Client Testimonials
Types of Breast Augmentation
Medi Makeovers only offers Breast Augmentation surgery at a hospital under a general anesthetic by a highly trained surgeon specializing in Plastic + Reconstructive Surgeon.
Sub-glandular Breast Implant
This procedure is suitable for women who want to achieve a more rounded, augmented look, which some women prefer. Other advantages include:
- Implants can be placed slightly closer together to achieve more cleavage.
- The breast implants do not become distorted when the pectoral muscles are flexed, which makes a good choice for women who lift weights regularly.
- The surgical procedure is slightly easier and perceived as less invasive. This also means that there is less postoperative pain as compared to under the muscle placement.
- A few other considerations can be found in our post regarding Breast Augmentation.
Sub-fascial Breast Implant Placement
This procedure produces similar advantages to the Sub-Glandular Technique however the implant is supported by a strong fibrous sheath in addition to the breast tissue.
Other advantages include:
- Implants can be placed slightly closer together to achieve more cleavage.
- The breast implants do not become distorted when the pectoral muscles are flexed, which makes a good choice for women who lift weights regularly.
- The surgical procedure is slightly easier and perceived as less invasive. This also means that there is less postoperative pain as compared to under the muscle placement.
- A few other considerations can be found in our post regarding Breast Augmentation.
Sub-muscular Breast Implant
This procedure produces similar advantages to the Sub-Glandular Technique however the implant is supported by a strong fibrous sheath in addition to the breast tissue.
Other advantages include:
- Implants can be placed slightly closer together to achieve more cleavage.
- The breast implants do not become distorted when the pectoral muscles are flexed, which makes a good choice for women who lift weights regularly.
- The surgical procedure is slightly easier and perceived as less invasive. This also means that there is less postoperative pain as compared to under the muscle placement.
- A few other considerations can be found in our post regarding Breast Augmentation.
Dual-plane Breast Implant Placement
This procedure combines both advantages of subglandular and submuscular techniques. Some advantages are:
- By releasing the attachments of the overlaying breast tissue to the pectoralis major muscle to varying degrees based on individual anatomy, the best-looking breast can be customized to suit each patient.
- Natural results particularly for patients with very small breasts as the upper pole of the implant is covered by both the breast muscle and tissue.
- Lower risk of the formation of capsular contracture.
- The possibility of implant dropping is reduced as the muscle and fascia secure the implant and keep it in the right position.
- The possibility of palpating the implant borders is reduced.
- Lower risk of wrinkles forming on the upper part of the body.
- A few other considerations can be found in our post regarding Breast Augmentation.
What To Expect?
Once you have submitted your surgery medical form and photos – our team will arrange a free assessment, and outline all the details you will need to know about the Surgery Price, Length of Stay in Bangkok, Hotel, Transfers, and much more.
Payment Plans
Don’t have all the funds ready for your surgery or dental trip? Medi Makeovers have partnered with Australia’s leading financial service to offer our clients finance for all aspects of their medical holiday – even spending money.
TLC Credit Benefits
TLC provides a payment plan solution to suit your lifestyle and has been designed to cover all medical, cosmetic and lifestyle needs as well as your associated costs.
- Payment plans up to $50,000 – including treatment / flights & accommodation
- No stress – the whole process is managed privately by our Consultants
- Flexible options – any additional repayments can be added back on to the payment plan at no extra charge
- Fast efficient approvals, simply apply online
TLC offers a simple and personal solution to customers, where they personalise the experience to suit customer expectations and desires to ensure a smooth transaction. Finance can be arranged to cover not only the cost of overseas procedures, but also all associated travel costs including spending money.

Five Star Recovery
Bangkok is the perfect destination for your surgery and/or dental trip as most attractions, shopping malls and transportation are air conditioned and away from the warm climate of Thailand. This is particularly important for your post-op recovery after surgery. Our hotels are located in the best parts of town, away from the nightlife – yet close to all major shopping centres (you can walk to them!), massages, hair salons and beauty salons so you can have the best possible recovery and indulge a little!